Monday, 15 June 2015


Our planning was great we met the deadline for the timescale and we was all happy about it. We was given enough time to come up with the planning.

 I planned on doing a song by J Cole called note to self but didn't do it cause no one but me was learning the song. 

I was also planning on doing an original song with a backing track. The track was to large so I had to use Wetransfer to send the track to grant for the performance. Sadly I couldn't do that song because one other band member didn't turn up so by myself I couldn't do it. 

My part in the planning was the special effect. There wasn't  really much I could work with so all I could come up with is smoke machine and firework. Fireworks we didn't have but we had lots a smoke. 

Next time I'm planning I would make sure everyone learns songs and not mess around and for me to research more on special effects. 

The performance was amazing had a wonderful audience they interacted with us which was a big plus. Musically we was kinda prepared. I say kinda cause we was still learning lyrics changing who sings what and bringing in song at the last moment which worked out thank goodness for that. 

My thoughts on the performance is it all work out really well at the end. The audience was really wonderful. My thoughts that didn't go so well was songs getting canceled because of one persons and having to change things for some songs because of him but again thank goodness it worked out in the end. 

I don't want to sound to vain or boastful but my individual performance was awesome. Really and truthfully I amazed myself  didn't think I would performance with such confident. 

The audience really was just amazing didn't think that they would respond when we was doing the interacting part in hey ya. 

If I was preforming again i would learn all the lyrics for I see fire by Ed Sheeran and not mumble the words pretending to know the lyrics.