Monday 20 October 2014

my characteristic

Which of these skills do you think you have demonstrated over the last half term?

Independent learning of parts
Reliability in rehearsals
Communication with band members
Attendance to all sessions
Musical communication with band members
·        1 .Independent learning of parts
·       2  .Reliability in rehearsals
·       3  .Communication with band members
·       4  .Attendance to all sessions
·        5 .Musical communication with band members
·       6. Contributions to musical arrangements
·      7. Leadership
·       8. Good stage presence
·       9. Engagement with the audience
How have you demonstrated them?
Independent learning of parts: I have demonstrated this skill with or song wave. I had to learn the chord in such short time.
 Reliability in rehearsals: I demonstrated this skill by knowing chords on piano to all the songs we rehearsals. Which are: the thrill is gone, waves, and rock with you.
 Attendance to all sessions: I demonstrated this skill by being in every rehearsal that I been to.
Communication with band members: I demonstrated by always keeping an eye contact with everyone in my band.
Musical communication with band members: we demonstrated this skill by telling people what they’re Going to do in the performance.
Leadership: I demonstrated by the drummer that were all ready.

How effective were they in the overall project (process and performance)?
These skills were very effective in our performance if it was for communication I wouldn’t have known when to stop. Attenuating to all rehearsal was very impotent cause I missed on rehearsal i would not know what to do.

Which characteristics do you think you need to develop and why?

Engagement with the audience the reason why I say I need to work on this is because in the performance I was a little nervous to say anything to the audience.  

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