Sunday, 12 October 2014

what change i can make to look after my health

First thing i would change to maintain my health is to eat health stuff like: vegetable, fruit, less fat stuff and milk but not not to much of it. i would also try ride a bike for often and maybe to college or walk to college. and ill try not to use the bus more often. ill do activity like basketball or football. i can do a few exercise at less 5 times a day which includes: sit up, push up, running in parks and all that stuff. i will try do these stuff everyday to insure i can preform my best as a musician. To keep my ear in working condition for a musician I shouldn't listen to music on max volum. If I keep listening to music on max I will getting a something called tinnitus. If I get this as a musician I will find it hard to listen or preform music.

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