Wednesday, 27 January 2016

My skill progression

                                       My skill progress 

At the start of the the first year I started the course with not much knowledge in my of the classes. I was on a basic level but now I feel as if I've learnt so music in my lesson  

Music Theory  

At the start of the course I didn't know much about how to read music, key signature or how to play the piano effectively in the correct manner. The only skill I had at the start was playing the piano and how to play scales and chords. Now I know about major chords, minor chords, and perfect intervals. 


when I was in my composing lesson I fount it a bit hard since I had to listen to the key artistes given to me to listen and and try to copy the was they compose there work. knowing how they made there work I fount easy cause I mostly listen to thing and pick it up by ear. But there to put in on logic was a challenge since most of them when they was making there music they made it in a complex way to copy.


At the start of the course I knew a lot about logic and how it works but all the complex thing about it I had no clue about it. For example, at the start I learnt how to edit audio in a destructive and a non destructive way. for me I fount that hard because of all the process it go into it.


At the start I didn't know anything about DJing it was all new to me. now I know how to use the cue and cross fade on tractor. I learnt for to time my song effectively while switching songs.

Studio Techniques

before my classes with grant i didn't have a clue how the studio is meant to be used now I've learnt a lot about how the studio is meant to be treated and how everything works in a studio.

Recording vocals  

With record vocals at the start of the course I had some knowledge of how to do it more effectively . for example I now know for to use plug in's to bring that in your "face type" of sound.


With the equipment in the studio I wouldn't know the different name and type of mics used in the studio. i also know what all the equipment is setup and how to use them in the studio. 


At the start of the course I knew how to play piano and i feel as this course has enhance my piano playing. the Instrument i would like to learn to play in the guitar and bass guitar so when I make my music I can bring some live element into my work

Music Business

In my context lesson I've learnt how some music was use through out the years. I've also learnt how royalty's work and the risk of sampling without anyone say its OK


at the start of the course my attendance was at 100% but is was still great attendance including my work.


My work was always organised so that I can reach the deadline with every piece of work i was set to do. from the start and now.


At the start i had the same motive for music and to learn new was of making presenting my work.

Independent working  

At the start I could work just fine on own and then talk about what i did in my work in front of the class. 

Group work 

At the start of the course i could share my ideas in the group and also talk about what we came up with in or work. 

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