Monday 23 May 2016



JazzPianoOnline (2015) JazzPianoOnline.Com. Available at: (Accessed: 23 May 2016).

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

JazzPianoOnline (2015) JazzPianoOnline.Com. Available at: (Accessed: 23 May 2016).
(JazzPianoOnline, 2015)

These reference are about jazz chords and voicing on the piano. i wanted to look up on these cause J cole, one of my favourite artist, uses most of the time of jazz chords and voicing in his music. so being influenced by him I wanted to know how he goes about playing his chords and i came across these.
In these I've fount of that jazz players uses complex and rich progression chords to keep their music interesting. A device that jazz player sometimes uses are cluster chords to add tone diversity 
within their music.  


Williams, T.J. (2014) How to sing high notes without straining your voice. Available at: (Accessed: 5 June 2016).

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

Williams, T.J. (2014) How to sing high notes without straining your voice. Available at: (Accessed: 5 June 2016).

(Williams, 2014)
This is a web page about singing techniques and how to effectively sing and project high note. Reason for researching this is cause I was told I had to support my high notes and this page should me how to do it effectively and it work well. 


PianoGroove (2016) Cluster Voicings for jazz piano. Available at: (Accessed: 23 May 2016).

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

PianoGroove (2016) Cluster Voicings for jazz piano. Available at: (Accessed: 23 May 2016).

(PianoGroove, 2016)

This shows me how cluster voicing works in jazz which I find interesting but I still don't understand like why people uses it.  Because most hip hop artist have cluster chords in their music and I want to include that in my music cause I loved how it sounded and the feeling it gave to thorough out the mix of the song.  


Lyric writing – how to write better lyrics (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 9 June 2016).

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

Lyric writing – how to write better lyrics (no date) Available at: (Accessed: 9 June 2016).

(Lyric writing – how to write better lyrics, no date)

This is a page that show different way of coming up and writing lyrics for any genre of music. some tips were to write about a personal event or experience that happen to me or to someone I know/knew. For my song I decided to write about love towards someone beside my family due to what i was feeling when making the song.  

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