Monday, 2 May 2016

case study

In this case study i'm going to look at j cole and how his chords and lyrics work with each other and with that i'm hoping to achieve in my music. The area I need to work on it the use of complex chords and J Cole is a great example of the and a good example of is work is not to self.

with the chords in this song their very simple and repetition. the reason for that is to give the lyrics and the other instrument in the song more room in the song. With his lyrics it like he's telling a story. He sings about his childhood with his mother and how much he loves her and in the chorus he talks about himself and how he all see things positive. In the rap part there no specific subject he talks about. In this song, he raps and sings the chorus and verses . how he goes about doing is that he sing the first verse and the chorus and then switches the verse to rapping then switches it back. With his vocals in this song, they are the melody of the song which work well with the bass and piano.    

this song by j Cole has really complex chords and I've been trying to work out them out
working out the chords for this song I've come to a conclusion that the chords contain for the verses

B Major
E Minor
C Major
and  G Minor.

The lyrics in this song talk about love and the feeling you get over it. he talk about no matter who no matter where no matter how you will feel it. Thought out the song he sings the song instead of rapping.Then he dose an outro. The vocals follows with the chords both in the verse and the chorus.

With researching J cole's song I tried to copy some of his ideas like lyric, song structure, chords and how he wrote his lyrics that fit with the beat of the song. How would try copy these feature J Cole presented is to follow the same why he made his song and sings/rap the same type of genre he sings/raps about. for the chords, I will learn them and then play them in different ways.

Here an example of one of my work.

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