For this track, I used a modulator call called ring shifter on the arpeggiated bells and on a mono hi-hats and layered is with stereo hi-hats and is sounds like the hi-hats are going up and down from each other. at first, I did not have that in mind is was all experimented and it sounded good so I kept it. with the bells in certain parts of that region it made is sound like is was stuttering for a bit and back to normal. I EQ the kick and overdrive the hi-hats and snare which gives it that snappy texture in the mix.
For this track, I had in mind for a love song and started listening to different RnB love so and tried to sing some harmonies for the course. I compressed the vocals and EQ them a bit and put on some reverb. to give it more dynamic space within the mix and pan both vocals on to the left and the other to the right. The kick was EQ so it doesn't take to my space in the mix.
My idea for this track was to make a neo-soul/RnB type song so I looked up some chords for RnB soul and came up with this song. the intro as a sample from a film(I have no idea what film it is) with a man talking to a girl about his feel between the both of them, mostly love between them and I thought this could sit in well for the intro of the song. I had to EQ it a bit cause you could hear a helicopter in the background which I didn't want in the beginning. At the near end I switch up the beat and made it up be and a little bit more happy sounding.
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