Wednesday 2 March 2016

playlist plan/class meeting

My class and I came together and gave our ideas and thought on our last playlist.

Week 1
We had a few really good ideas the we can do to get more people listen to our music and some ideas the might not work(cats). what we came up was the we could do a lyrical intro and Outro.

Week 2
today we talked about what our art work is going be on, how are we going to present it and on what social media is it going to be put on. he picked sound-cloud and YouTube

Week 3
in our meeting we had a vote on what art work we are going have on our playlist, if we show have a logo on the picture in our playlist and if we should/shouldn't have a text as a group or individual. we also talked about when we should larch the playlist and we came up with emailing the students to listen and share the playlist

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