Monday 1 May 2017

vocals research

for my EXP project I'll be including vocals in my For RnB tracks or even all 3 tracks. What I'll need to know towards this side of the project is how RnB vocals phrases words, the techniques they use to make their music interesting. I'll also need to look up on different vocal warm up and breathing to help me with when i try to embed vocals into my work

In this track i added RnB vocals to a hip hop beat. All i did to with vocals in just harmonised with each other. 

I cam back to this track and didn't really like it. instead i took off the vocals and just left it as a hip hop track and added vocals on an RnB track which sounds much better.  

(Accessed 2 Jun. 2017)

This video is about of to use your full range with your voices and get the colour that may be hidden by tension in the throat. To get the full sound of your voice you have to just relax your body. This is a useful research cause it goes towards my vocals for my RnB track or any track that i've decided to include lyrics. Another tip that was said in this video was to sing in your talking voice and not in someone your not.

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